Aiman 4th Post-Premiere Comments and Thoughts
What's up readers! I have nothing much to say actually. I will be writing about my final project in 2020 which is Aiman 4th. I have been planning about the CV since October but I have no inspirations on what theme should I do and what/who I want to have inside the CV. The planning got delayed somewhere in the end of October and early December due to workload. Here is the CV: Download here (Google Drive) I made the CV invite and open purpose so that I can improve the CV quality in a way and I am quite surprised with the results. Although I didn't received much submissions, at least the number of clips is enough for me to complete the video with the selected music since it fits with the theme. Theme: Galaxy and Space Music used: Aoi - Pollux Why Pollux? To make it short, it is a star and it fits the theme I used. You can read more about Pollux here if you are interested in astronomy. The music have fast and slow pace in some part which I is suitable for various ...