Beginner Malaysia Tournament Round 1: Results and Comments

Hi everyone, I am back with another post.

This time it will be about Beginner Pen Spinning Tournament for Malaysians.

It is my very first time organizing such competition. I expect some hiccups here and there. 

My aim in this tournament is to see how much our (read: Malaysian) spinners can improve in a short time since for some people, they will improve by challenge and after being commented. We barely can see how much we improved in our spinning unless we grind hard and able to see the result by ourselves. 

These are the participants for Beginner Malaysia Tournament 2020 (BMT20 for short)
  1. Qr
  2. Pearl
  3. 3ird
  4. Kenvox739
  5. Jameel
  6. Vaughn Xavier
  7. SkyHorPS
  8. yoong vin_ps
  9. Lkh15
Here is the round 1 results: click here (Google Sheet).

Me and other judges already scored and commented on what to improve and we expect improvements by the participants in the next round.

Here is the playlist for R1 videos: Click here (Youtube)

Overall, these people reminds me about myself 10 years ago when I started pen spinning. I am not saying I am good now but, somehow I love to see them spinning even though some are hurting my eyes. I was that kind of person back then and I cringed when I watch my old videos.

There are some good and so-so spinner in the tournament. But I believe that they can improve a lot in the future if they are taking our comments seriously. Clearly, most of them have a lot of room for improvements. I wouldn't be surprised if few of them could bring MYPSC name up again in the future if they do not stop spinning but again it is too early to say so. 

This is the matchups for Round 2. I am using the double elimination format which is used by the IPSB Rising Star Tournament back in 2012. The reason I am using this format is for me to see how much everyone can improve in a short time.

Alternatively, you can check the bracket progress here (Challonge).

I wish everyone all the best and good luck as well as grind hard for the next round!

Thank you for reading :)


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