
Lumina Collaboration Video

So let's talk about another CV that I've made last two weeks.  It's called Lumina and it's a part of my Sky Project. I've been planning this CV for few weeks and decided to proceed with it as I might start working in the hospital soon and I thought "might as well do this before I have no time for this (pen spinning)".  The concept of this video is simple: Simple editing Experimenting with green screen Having a novelty-like atmosphere in the video Using a music which is pleasing to listen Post-editing and publishing, I am pretty much satisfied with the final product. The submissions are not that much compared to the other CVs I organized so far but at least it gets the job done.  If you haven't watch the CV, here is the video: Music is Lumina made by Wisp X in collaboration with Xomu. Do check out Wisp X social media and do not forget to support him if  you love his music! Patreon:   Wisp X's Discord server 💙 http://dis...

Asas-Asas (Basic) Pen Spinning

Hai! I'm back with another post. Post kali ni saya olah dalam Bahasa Malaysia since saya pun dari Malaysia. Dalam post ni saya akan rojak BM dengan BI yang tak berapa nak formal sebab itulah salah satu keindahan Malaysia, bahasa rojak. Jadi, apa itu pen spinning ? Anda mesti pernah lihat kawan-kawan anda ataupun rakan sepejabat anda memusing dan memutar pen mereka seperti dalam video di bawah: Tipulah kalau anda tidak pernah lihat kawan-kawan anda memutar pen mereka seperti di dalam video di atas. Tetapi, di dalam video tersebut hanyalah trick  asas untuk pen spinning . Terdapat banyak lagi benda yang boleh di- explore dalam dunia pen spinning . Jadi apakah asas-asas pen spinning seperti yang dinyatakan pada tajuk? Dalam posting blog kali ini, saya akan bercakap serba sedikit berkaitan dengan trick asas (basic tricks)  pen spinning , terma yang digunakan oleh komuniti pen spinning, tips untuk pemula atau starter dan beberapa perkara lain.  Trick Asas Jadi bagaimanakah an...

Aiman 4th Post-Premiere Comments and Thoughts

  What's up readers!  I have nothing much to say actually. I will be writing about my final project in 2020 which is Aiman 4th. I have been planning about the CV since October but I have no inspirations on what theme should I do and what/who I want to have inside the CV. The planning got delayed somewhere in the end of October and early December due to workload.  Here is the CV: Download here (Google Drive) I made the CV invite and open purpose so that I can improve the CV quality in a way and I am quite surprised with the results. Although I didn't received much submissions, at least the number of clips is enough for me to complete the video with the selected music since it fits with the theme.  Theme: Galaxy and Space Music used: Aoi - Pollux Why Pollux? To make it short, it is a star and it fits the theme I used. You can read more about Pollux here if you are interested in astronomy. The music have fast and slow pace in some part which I is suitable for various ...

2020 Recap

This is probably going to be an almost long post. There are a lot of things happened to myself during this one year. I'll include a little bit happened in my personal life as well. Feel free not to read or read it.  It has been a year since MYPSC was revived. A lot of things happened since I juggled my real life commitments with pen spinning life. I struggled a lot in my final year of medical school and thank God I managed to passed it after countless tears and mental breakdown. To be honest it is very tiring and mental challenging until it made me think am I doing the right thing for juggling a lot of stuff in the same time. As for pen spinning life, I managed to recruit new people and bring back old guys such as Xelphire, EffecT and Nare (previously known as Alvaris). It was a tough job to recruit and bring back these people back because they are busy with their studies and work. I can understand the commitments they have though but I'm glad they accepted my call and willing ...


I'm looking for these pens: Moonz (black, purple, green) Miffy & Melanie Dick Bruna Marker Disney KT Disney Dr. Grip Jimnie Gel (any colors would do) Plastic G3 Hyperjell (Emerald and purple) Antique Hyperjell Selling: Stabilo Color Gel (clear body) $10 Marvy marker 1300 $2/ea Ballsign $3/ea New Muji Hex $3/ea Daiso Leitiamente marker $1.50/ea Clear G3 (metal) $3/ea Rushon $2.5/ea (will clean the body on purchase) Faber Castell DC (using 6g archery tips) $12 DG3 (tinted body) $8 I can get: Tinted body G3 G2s Stabilo Exam Grade Rushon (Black/Red) Daiso Gel Roller Beifa sailors Signo RT grip sub (Beifa); grip slightly broader and shorter and still can fit for ayatori jell mod Faber Caster Textliner and Permanent marker (Emboss sub) PlaycolorK HGG (silver and gold) Sakura Gelly Roll Basically that's all that I know of that is worth to be mentioned.

Custom Pen Case!

This is just a promotional post and I am not being paid to do it. I just want to support my friend's family business. If you are interested in batik craft and looking something else that can be done using kain batik, you should check out this Instagram account; @desa.heritage.  I just bought this multipurpose case from them. I used the case to keep my mods as I need a place to keep them when I'm travelling. The case can store up to 6 items. You can even keep your other stationeries, toiletries (toothbrush only I guess) or even cutleries (please wash them after you use them before you keep them inside the case again LOL) These are some of the pictures of the cases. There are various patterns of batik to choose from, you just need to message the Instagram page to see which patterns are available.  If you are interested, please check out their Instagram page. It is worth every Ringgit you spent. I could say the quality is very good.  Instagram:  desa.heritage See you in...

BMT2020 Final Results

 Hi, it has been a while. I was kind of occupied with studies and finally graduated. Anyhow, this is the final result for Beginner Malaysia Tournament 2020. It has been a long journey for us organizers. Here are the results and the full bracket Results: Click here (Google Sheet) The final standings: 1st place: Qr 2nd place: 3ird 3rd place: Kenvox739 To be honest, there are a lot of loopholes during this tournament. I will try to improve our next tournament and I am not very sure of myself whether I could organize another tournament due to small numbers of spinners in our community and time constraint.  Congratulations everyone! Hope to see everyone improve and explore new things for your future pen spinning development.  See you on the next post!